Setting audio for inbound calls
All of the following options can be disabled, but it is recommended to not disable the Audio While Connecting or the Hold Music.
User Greeting: This will play a short snippet at the very start of the call. By default it will state "Thank you for calling <your name>." Unselecting the checkbox will remove this entirely. Clicking Edit will allow you to change what is said.
Connecting Message: This will play a short snippet after the User Greeting and before the repeating audio. By default it will state "Please hold while I try to connect you." As with the User Greeting, you can unselect the checkbox to turn it off or select Edit to change the message.
Call Screening: This will require a caller to state their name before the call will be connected. This can be set to occur "If Caller ID not present," "If caller not in contact list," or "Always." By default turning the option on will require the caller to state their name if they do not have caller ID.
Audio While Connecting: This is the audio that the caller will hear until the call is answered or sent to voicemail. It will default to the "Acoustic" audio option, but can be changed to other Music options, Ring Tones (which is a standard ringing sound), or a custom audio file.
Hold Music: This is the audio that will play if you place a caller on hold. The options are the same as the Audio While Connecting: you can choose from Music, Ring Tones, or Custom.